Consecrated Life as a Capuchin
There's a video online from our brothers of the St. Mary Province (NY-NE). The interview with our brother Mike Greco, OFM Cap., director for post-novitiate formation, gives us a glimpse of the life & work of our friars in Boston.
Fr. Bryan's 'Driving Force'
Fr. Bryan Shortall, OFM Cap. (left), is a Capuchin confrere in the Province of Ireland. Our brother Bryan offers some inspiring reflections about his own vocation to our Capuchin brotherhood and of his priestly service to the people of Dublin. It's worth a look:
"How does our society make sense of the vocation to religious life today? What makes one thousand women and men religious, including myself, gather with the Archbishop of Dublin at a ceremony to begin the Year of Consecrated Life? What language is there to explain why I still want to be a religious? I believe it is in me, and I can't walk away. At the beginning and over the years, there weren't any guns put to my head and I wasn't forced to join. And I'm not being forced to stay. As the friars used to say to us, the friary is not a prison. The only reason why I'm still here is that I can't go. I'm trying to find English language to explain it and I struggle, It's like I had no choice and I still have no choice."
You can read his entire article on his blog page: 'Tired of all the Bad News'
Celebrating the Consecrated Life
The Holy Father declared the Church Year 2015 as a year to celebrate the Consecrated Life - the men and women who dedicate their lives to Jesus Christ by answering his invitation to "Follow Me." The Church Year begins on the First Sunday of Advent 2014.
We'll have some highlights of our lives as consecrated men as the year goes on. Meanwhile, here is a video sponsored by the men & women Religious of Ireland who share their stories of hearing the Lord's call.
A Day in the Life of Br. Brian
From our Vimeo site, there's an opportunity to look into a day in the life of one of our brothers, Brian Stacy, OFM Cap. Br. Brian speaks of his call to the Catholic faith and ultimately to the Religious Life of the Capuchin Franciscan Friars.
If you have a few minutes, you might check out one of the waya the Lord calls us to follow Him. We all have our own stories . . . here's Brian's.
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