The Capuchin Friars of the Province of St. Augustine know of the profound suffering and harm which incidents of sexual abuse of minors by some priests and members of religious orders have caused innocent people and the Church community at large. As brothers to all and as ministers within the Church, we must work to ensure the safety of all the people we serve, especially the safety of minors. The abuse of a minor by a friar is contrary to our vowed life and our profession to live the Gospel. The Province will not tolerate or excuse abuse, including sexual abuse, of a minor by a friar of the Province.
We recognize with regret that the structures and procedures of the Church frequently did not foster openness and healing to victims of abuse. Too often instances of abuse were disregarded and opportunities to bring healing were missed. Most importantly, we, the Province of St. Augustine, apologize for our part in this scandal and pledge to do all in our power to prevent the occurrence of sexual abuse and to respond compassionately and courageously to allegations of child sex abuse.
- We are concerned for any victims who may have suffered abuse by a friar of the Province and for the families of those victims. We will offer pastoral and spiritual support to them, as well as professional counseling if requested. Our hope and prayer is to bring healing and peace to anyone who has suffered such abuse.
- We dedicate ourselves to preventing sexual abuse. By establishing boundaries for healthy ministry with minors and by maintaining a constructive fraternal vigilance, we can minimize, even obviate the possibility of sexual abuse. Such prevention begins with education and training, both during initial as well as on-going formation.
- We pledge our active cooperation and compliance with civil authorities. All allegations of child sex abuse will be reported immediately to appropriate agents of the government.
- We will treat with compassion a brother who has been abusive. He remains a friar, unless he is dismissed or otherwise dispensed from his Religious vows. Obviously, he is subject to the laws of the state and responsible for the consequences of his actions. The abusive friar will be removed from contact with minors and will be closely supervised according to the terms of this policy for the remainder of his life.
Praesidium Accreditation™ publicly demonstrates that the Province of the St. Augustine of the Capuchin Franciscan Order has achieved the highest standard in child abuse prevention, consistent with the directives articulated by the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops and Conference of Major Superiors of Men. Praesidium specialists have thoroughly reviewed the policies of Province of St. Augustine, conducted site visits, interviewed members of the Province and members of our Review Board, and verified that the Standards for Accreditation have been met. To learn more about the process of accreditation, visit Praesidium ’s website.
What Happens if I Make a Report?
If you make a report that you or someone else has been abused by a friar, employee or volunteer of the Province of Saint Augustine, we encourage you to report the abuse or suspected abuse to law enforcement or government child protection authorities. In every instance, the Province will make such a report; however, you are also encouraged to make a report to civil authorities. At the same time, on receiving your report, the Province is committed to respond swiftly:
1. The Province will inform the local Bishop and Diocese where the alleged or suspected abuse took place.
2. If the individual who experienced abuse is willing, the Province’s Survivor Assistance Coordinator will contact him or her to ascertain his or her needs and to offer help and support. The Province is committed to assist anyone who has been harmed by a friar, employee or volunteer regardless of whether that person is still a minor or is now an adult.
3. If the one alleging abuse has already contacted a Diocesan Survivor Assistance Coordinator and prefers to continue working with that Diocesan Coordinator, the Province will receive reports and recommendations from the Coordinator.
4. If the one claiming abuse wishes to speak to the Provincial Minister, a meeting will be arranged.
5. If there is a basis for the complaint, the accused friar will be removed from ministry. If the one accused of abuse is an employee or volunteer, he or she will be removed from employment or volunteer work while an investigation is conducted.
6. If the facts of the abuse are not clear or if the friar, employee or volunteer denies the allegation, the Province will engage outside investigators to examine the case. However, the Province cannot investigate while civil law enforcement investigations are in process.
7. The Province urges anyone aware of suspected sexual misconduct by any friar, employee or volunteer of the Province of St. Augustine to report it to the civil authorities or contact our Provincial Minister, Fr. Robert Marva, OFM Cap., at the Provincial Offices: +1 412 682-6011.
United States Conference of Catholic Bishops
The Charter for the Protection of Children and Young People is a comprehensive set of procedures established by the USCCB in June 2002 for addressing allegations of sexual abuse of minors by Catholic clergy. The Charter also includes guidelines for reconciliation, healing, accountability, and prevention of future acts of abuse.
The Charter directs action in all the following matters:
- Creating a safe environment for children and young people
- Healing and reconciliation of victims and survivors
- Making prompt and effective response to allegations
- Cooperating with civil authorities
- Disciplining offenders
- Providing for means of accountability for the future to ensure the problem continues to be effectively dealt with through the Secretariat of Child and Youth Protection and the National Review Board.