A College Pilot: "The Hallway"
While many of us have never taken the opportunity to watch TV's "The Office," we can still appreciate the efforts of our brothers Brian Stacy, OFM Cap., Lester Knoll, OFM Cap., and the CFP in Wickliffe to develop their own version entitled "The Hallway." Billed as the "Pilot" on YouTube, we're assuming we're to expect more episodes? Congrats to all who took the time to bring this experiment to light.
From Br. Brian: Our men of the CFP sharing their gifts -- enjoy this parody of "The Office," done from a day in OUR life!
Our Capuchin College Formation Program is worth a look . . .
Franciscans Gather Together at Graymoor
From November 6-9, our brothers Kip Ledger, OFM Cap., and Jim Mungovan, OFM Cap., led our Postulants to the Atonement Spirituality Center in Graymoor, NY, for the semi-annual gathering of the Inter-Franciscan Formation Program. Br. John Petrikovic, OFM Cap., one of our friars in the Province's Ministry of Preaching, was invited to lead the participants in the days of reflection on Francis & Clare: Finding the Incarnation's Face.
Discernment Weekend with the CFP
In November, our Vocation Director, Br. Raf Anguiano, OFM Cap., shared a shot from Borromeo's Capuchin Formation Program. The College Program is our resident discernment program where men pursue their college degrees at John Carroll University in Cleveland while living a life of prayer and community.
Br. Tage Ordained a Deacon
We didn't have to wait long to get the number of Provincial deacons back to two. Our brother Phil White, OFM Cap., was ordained to the priesthood in June, but the summer's ending witnessed the diaconate ordination of Br. Tage Danielson, OFM Cap., on Saturday, September 1.
Our Brothers are now Vowed for Life
Five of our brothers made their perpetual profession of Solemn Vows as Capuchin Franciscan Friars on Saturday, August 18, at our Mother church of St. Augustine in Pittsburgh, PA. You can see all the photos in our web Gallery.
We thank the Lord for the gift of our brothers' covenant, and we pray that the Lord continue to bless their journeys in the footprints of Jesus Christ as St. Francis of Assisi inspired us.
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