The Friars' Table Is Open to Serve
A major December event, along with our ministerial outreach at Philadelphia's Annie's Home, was the blessing and opening of The Friars' Table at city of Cleveland's Playhouse Square. Our brothers serve the St. Paul's Shrine and at the parish of St. Malachy's in the city, but Cleveland's Ordinary, Bishop Edward Malesic, posted a special moment on his Instagram page:
Last evening, I was pleased to bless the newly opened The Friar’s Table restaurant at Playhouse Square. The eatery is a collaboration among Cleveland Capuchin Ministries, EDWIN’s Leadership & Restaurant Institute and Playhouse Square, offering training and job opportunities for many people who are trying to build a new life.
Among the guests for the event were our Provincial Minister, Robert Marva, OFM Cap., joining our brothers in Cleveland. The press for the new endeavor has been fast and frequent from various news outlets in the Cleveland area.
This November Article appeared in the Diocese of Cleveland's webpage on November 20th:
The Friars’ Table restaurant plans job fair,
prepares to begin service
See more photos & read more about our unique sponsorship . . .
Annie's Home Celebrates a Home In Philly
Our confrere and Vocation Director, Mike Herlihey, OFM Cap., reported on one of our two big Provincial ministerial events for December:
From our Novitiate: The Caperone, December 2024
Check out the news from our Capuchin Novices at San Lorenzo Friary in Santa Ynez, CA, in December's Christmas edition of their monthly Caperone. |
Merry Christmas!
Some of our friars in Washington, DC, celebrated this feast in song
"Gaudete Christus est natus (Rejoice, Christ is born!)
A Visit to China
Our brother Tom Betz, OFM Cap., was on the road in November (but most likely made this trip from his work as pastor of St. John the Evangelist in Philadelphia, PA via an air flight!). On, Sunday, November 3rd, he was in Macau, a regional Province in China, where he celebrated two Masses. The first was for Filipino migrant workers (above). An evening Mass was celebrated at Macao's packed cathedral with a large congregation.
Thanks to Wikipedia, we know that Macau remained under Portuguese rule until its 1999 handover to China. A special administrative region of China, Macau maintains separate governing and economic systems from mainland China under the principle of "one country, two systems." The article tells us, and friar Tom neglected to share, that its often referred to as the "Las Vegas of the East."
Read on about his retreat for priests and his press interview . . .
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