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Fourth Sunday of Advent

Our days before Christmas
as though light were swallowed
by the dragon of darkness,
concocting the dreary hours
of covered coals and candles snuffed,
as though the sun
had jumped its rutted coarse
and drew the smallest sparks of light
within the cave
of the dragon's lair.

Restore the light,
destroyer of demons and demon lairs,
not merely restoring solar rays,
for plants to conjure light to life,
but find again paternal rays,
whose light keeps flashing
as growing love,
expressed in words as parables,
whose seeds of light
reach germination and blossoming
in hearts disciples turn over
as fertile loam,
with a hundred-fold return.

We revel in light,
attesting the hellion-blessing,
acclaiming brighter rays
of the Lord's emblazing heart,
whose light erases threatening roads,
emitting the warmth to envelope
the road to glory
and home to Abba's embrace.

Advent 2014
Bonaventure Stefun, OFM Cap.

See more reflections here.