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Third Sunday of Advent

Pronounced the greatest of humans,
the last of the prophets
of Incarnational mystery,
proclaimed Emmanuel as near,
soon to grant his baptism
with the Holy Spirit of love,
assured that the least in the kingdom
so baptized in this infinite Spirit,
was greater than John.

The Baptizer trailed perfection,
untainted by greed,
or any human failing,
austere, untrammeled of petty lusts,
controlled in appetite
or any addictive comfort,
the first to bear new burdens,
or complete prolonged and dreary ones,
and yet the least
in the role of the baptized,
those sanctified by the Spirit,
distracted, stuttering and stumbling,
was greater than
this proclaiming, prayerful prophet.

John the perfect
conveyed the desperate designation
of the Incarnational vigil,
the arriving of Emmanuel,
an advent of longing and hope,
to press beyond
the purest, the best of human accomplishment,
and walk with God among humans,
converting their inner striving
into drills of divinity,
transforming the human heart
to enfold a Maker
the universe cannot contain,
rejoice, and never let up in your rejoicing.

Advent 2014
Bonaventure Stefun, OFM Cap.

See more reflections here.