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Thanksgiving Day

Aside from longing
for additional years,
our affluence sets a tone
for gratitude,
which recognizes
there is little more we need
and so we open wide
to the giver,
who dumps his gifts
so lavishly
we have no lap
or arm space left.

The goodness of the giver,
his generosity,
beyond galactic orbits,
so ravishing our spirit
that we spread our eagerness
to grasp
his presence,
declaring this, his presence,
far greater than all his gifts.

We thank this bounteous giver
who decides which gift
best fits our manifold needs,
with joy a top priority for both,
and so he shares his Spirit,
with joy overflowing,
conveying laughter to a tickled world.

The gift of laughter
contains a dozen other gifts
as it blows away the daily bumps
and even blow-dries tears of daily storms,
as laughter functions best in harmony,
another to laugh along,
and if only one,
I am unimaginably grateful.

November 2014
Bonaventure Stefun, OFM Cap.

See more reflections here.