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Solemnity of Christ the King
November 23, 2014

For us who count by votes
to elect the ones who make decisions
in limited terms of office,
the title king
does not refer to ultimate office,
but to a person,
beyond the ones with voting power,
with infinite attributes,
a king of eternal origin,
almighty in power,
exhaustless in deeds of mercy,
with a maker’s
relationship of gifting life.

Though infinite and almighty,
this king lays down the trappings of power
and waits on table,
a brother who keeps his door unlocked,
with his heart, too
a little ajar
for easier access to blessing,
conveyed in daily increments
that only divinity
can bring to final filling,
when our brother shares
with each of us his title
and his life that reigns forever.

November 2014
Bonaventure Stefun, OFM Cap.

See more reflections here.