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 Assembly2From May 28-31, the friars of our Capuchin Province of St. Augustine met for our triennial Assembly. Every three years, we friars are required to meet in “Chapter” to discuss our fidelity to the life of our Capuchin Franciscan Constitutions and to deal with issues that arise in our attempts to be faithful to the Rule and Life of our Order. WoostA Chapter is also required by our Constitutions to elect our ministers in leadership for the ensuing three years.

Held a year before our Chapter, an “assembly” is our opportunity to plan for our next Chapter. It also provides us an opportunity to be together and enjoy our brotherhood.

At this year’s Assembly, we had the opportunity to hear from various speakers to animate our discussions. They included Bishop Kevin Woost, the Auxiliary Bishop of the Diocese of Cleveland (above right), who spoke to us about the soon-to-be released revision of guidelines from the American Bishops for Holy Communion and Worship of the Eucharistic Mystery outside Mass that was issued on January 25.

 Piolata MalesicWe also had the pleasure to hear from our brother, Tommy Piolata, OFM Cap. (left), on St. Francis of Assisi’s rich spirituality of the Eucharistic Mystery as well as his reflections from St. Bonaventure’s theology of the mystical Body of Christ. His recently published article, which he authored with Conventual confrere Wayne Hellman, OFM Conv., is available in America magazine.

Finally, we had the privilege to welcome and hear from Bishop Edward Malesic, Ordinary of the Cleveland Diocese (right), who led us as celebrant for an Evening Prayer and offered his welcome to the assembled brothers.

You can view all the photos of our time together here.

The photos, taken by our brothers Pablo Lopez, OFM Cap., and Matthew Hindelang, OFM Cap., are also available on our Flickr gallery.