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He is gone,
and we do not know the destination,
though we quickly think of going up,
only this was at eyelevel,
like the displacement of dew,
or absorption into higher being.

We call the event of his going Ascension,
thus adding a feast
the Jewish calendar never contained.
Evaporation grants us the scope
to search and construct
and find the Teacher’s touch
in these provisions of the Comforter;
to hear a rabbi’s voice
in one another’s pronouncements.

He is gone, ascended,
like our call to find the higher things in life,
by truth and honor,
and so leave us with ease
for richer, more complete growing,
as though all our surroundings
is part of Paradise,
and at the evening hour
the Lord could make appearance
on any of the pathways.

At Mass we have Elevation,
a call to concentration,
and thoughts that are rushing up
to greater understanding and fervor,
as we go on with many prayers all day.
This Elevation entwines our thinking,
to keep it close to him,
even as we walk the streets,
continuing the grandeur
of his greater works though us.

Ascension, May 8, 2016
Bonaventure Stefun, OFM Cap.

See more reflections here.