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This day called good,
not the Sabbath of weekly sanctity,
but a one-time sanctification
because the Father willed it.
The pronouncement
that he sent his son to die,
die on a cross,
is false,
a lie,
though swallowed by half the world.

When Jesus died,
he fought and sparred with evil men,
who had command of the Temple guard
and occupation soldiers
the tools of evil and hate,
and they decreed
he must die,
on a cross, to bear the curse of the tree,
and Jesus did not turn away.
He kept on speaking words that were true,
while priests and scribes
were turning the words in-side-out,
but his choice remained unturned,
the choice to do good, do what is right,
all the way to laying down
his life.

The aftermath released the story,
his cross became a pulpit
for the truth he was living,
a platform to send his blessing
across the world,
the tree taking root
to carry blessing to every age,
until the final one
that closed the chapter of Mercy.

Holy Week 2016
Bonaventure Stefun, OFM Cap.