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Release your hold on Lent,
the Holy Year protests,
and preoccupation with sin,
the year of Mercy insists.

Traversing the wilderness of life
to accept the promise
of him who claimed I AM,
the wanderers discovered,
that in place of a water-gushing rock,
the streams poured plentifully,
for ostrich and jackal,
and was shared by those in wavelength
of the upward call.

Possessed by the Lord Jesus,
these people who breathed faith,
conformed to death in living,
assured of resurrection.

The Gospel pericope shows
a woman trapped in sin’s deed
by a pack of sinful men,
a woman who tried to live
in the pleasant feeling
of being desired,
in place of an upward call,
and gained
rejection and accusation,
with deadly missiles of stone
for ballot,
for she carried the smell of guilt.

Dismissing guilt and sin,
the Master issued the upward call,
like Magdalene,
who relished such joy in Jesus,
she retained small use
in being cherished for a night.
The woman entered the wilderness of faith,
unflustered by lethal stones
when resurrection guarded her life.

5th Sunday of Lent
March 13, 2016
Bonaventure Stefun, OFM Cap.

See more reflections here