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I am,
this flimsy flame contested,
so like a tongue in shape,
that spoke of mercy
a tongue of flame that burned a bush
but left no trace of cinders,
a tongue which is itself the message,
I am light.
I am
and I wish you to become.

This flapping frame
made Mercy’s introduction,
more like a coaxing finger
than signal flares,
proclaiming the message of life.

I am,
with power to lift
the burden that mingles you
in the dust from which you came.

I am,
and I wish to share with you
my life of Mercy

My light will take you
through Sinai’s wilderness,
a torch by night
and a shank of cloud emitting lightning
for honorable living by day,
the noble life of the Deliverer,
who pours for you cool water
from the rock who is the Messiah,
both rock and the water flowing,
deliverer of undiminished manna,
like the bush that did not burn,
and quail,
with covered coals for cooking
and keeping alive the concept
of reverence for life,
while Mercy’s shadow grew longer
in the glow of the saving tongues,
that burn and not consume,

for, I am,
and all I touch goes on.

Bonaventure Stefun, OFM Cap.
February 28, 2016

See more reflections here.