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Entangled in lightning
the Lord revealed
the transfiguring prepared
for a brother
condemned unjustly.
As sullied as was his accusation
so glorious his vindication,
as ignominious his dying,
so transformed his restoration,
refulgent in outer trappings
and smiling for conquest complete,
with joy eternal.

Discouraged disciples required
a new transfiguration
of Mercy
invested in this Holy Year,
as transforming
not the matrix of the Maker,
but stamp of followers
who wear his regal livery,
with line by line delineation
of inner revisiting,
when Master and disciple
stand side by side,
so conjoined in glory
distinction cannot be discovered.

The Mercy blends adoption
with intertwining knots of love,
the hinter bonds of Mercy,
which bind the two as one,
the all-merciful Master,
and disciple dripping in Mercy,
found by all
who walk in Mercy’s rain.

February 21, 2016
Bonaventure Stefun, OFM Cap.

 See more reflections here.Â