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With Pope and Patriarch embracing,
the world received Mercy
as a whirlwind of celestial forces
to sweep away the contradictory edicts
composed in ancient Latin
and equally antique Russian
of doubly uncharitable accusations,
preserved with multiple keys
for endless futile proof.

The Pontiffs laid aside the layers of conflict
in the tombs of history,
and reached the each to each his cheek,
with hand fast clasped
in friendship’s salute of equal respect,
as each spoke joy
with smiles that reverenced the other’s presence,
because they came together as brothers,
Kirill and Francis,
born of the same Spirit and courage,
as Mercy’s shout of exultation
tumbled stars,
and used the whirlwind it created
to wash away
the stain of a thousand years.

February 13, 2016
Bonaventure Stefun, OFM Cap.