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Be happy for the failing
that gained
a champion of infinite prowess,
and happier still,
with mercy beyond the infinite,
for those who experience
the gratitude
of knowing mercy
at the judgment seat,
for there, the more the failure,
so more the restoring forces,
until it takes on the work
of cosmetic surgery.

If penance is measured in ashes,
it makes a pitiful pile
and rather proves futility
of penance or reparation.
The penance from
ten cartloads of ashes
would not suffice
to make amends 
for a trivial lie.

Who would survive
without a merciful hand?

A ray of sunshine
provides an armor comparable
to a layer of ashes,
and a slathering of pig fat
outranks them both,
along with all are games
of Sisyphus sweat,
for only a layer of mercy
provides protection enough
for the worst of caustic acids.

So call this Mercy Wednesday,
convinced one drop of mercy
can keep afloat
a mirred and sinking world.

February 2016
Bonaventure Stefun, OFM Cap.

 See more reflections here.