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The numbers of Ordinary Time
will count the millennia
that we waited
for this Holy Year of Mercy,
not that the Lord withheld it,
but humans had covered hearts,
and minds misguided
by the weight of life’s responsibilities.

The numbered Sundays
will be surpassed
by Mercy celebrations,
not curtailed to David’s need,
stopping at forgiveness,
but Mercy uncovered at last
to share the breath of the Spirit,
with every Sunday
a celebration of Easter.

This exultation of Mercy
reaches God at his center,
with Jesus the living demonstration
and entrance into his life,
the beginning of life,
a culmination of Mercy
in joyous living.

God is love,
so missing God,
or the absence of God,
results in emptiness of the spirit,
so God stuffs himself
into the void
as Mercy,
expression of himself,
an explaining urging presence
of cosmic beauty and light,
God is Mercy,
or love applied to humans.

January 2016
Bonaventure Stefun, OFM Cap.

See more reflections here.