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I pray by numbers,
just press the number '1'
and all my obligations
toward family and friends
would seek resolution,
the first
and most important
of towering requirements
for seeking aid
or guidance,
from a father
whose concern supplants
the best that I could conjecture.

Instead of number '2',
just find the second spot
a bit shiny from use,
but not too much,
my second-most
reason to pray
is my confreres,
my spiritual family,
or really, more than family,
just harder to remember.

For third or number '3'
I place the Church,
imagine, my first,
most important community
of faith
or eternal dimension,
the first by Baptism
and the spark of life.

The fourth
has been barely touched,
remembering more
by what is going to be.
This will be my number 1,
the first to indulge my mind,
if not my heart,
for this
has captured the top
of my obligation list,
a prayer for life kept going
across the planet,
not stifled by smothering smog
but sunny days, procession days,
and days to bring
the unknown plants of
Amazon to bloom,
let alone the plant exchange
among the planets
of newly contacted solar systems.

We have gardens to tend
as we return to Paradise
while praying in this Holy Year
of infinite mercy
that offer us
a second chance.

January 17, 2016
Bonaventure Stefun, OFM Cap.

See more reflections here.