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The word Epiphany
befuddles children
and the simple.
To say it comes from the Greek,
forever renders it,
for a second grader, 
impossible to learn or remember.

With luckier words,
like making things clear,
or explanation,
describing in daily words,
or introducing a person,
as in telling what a person is like,
with honest words.

More pliable children
consent to write words about Jesus,
that singe the synapses of young memory
for graphic and speedy recall,
that make him present and acting,
a permanent epiphany
that stuffs the heart
with experiences that cannot die
and cut impressions in the mind
for permanent remembrance.

Epiphany is shadow and light,
that present a show
of the person’s own development
or manifestation,
so only his growth
is true epiphany.

January 3, 2016
Bonaventure Stefun, OFM Cap.

See more reflections here.