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Fourth Sunday of Advent

If God is with us,
as lowly as we are,
then God must be perceived
as humble,
our equal in lowliness.

If God distributes blessings
before we even ask,
then God is generous,
unlike us
with hands never filled enough.

If God concerns himself
with the poor and needy,
then he must allure the rich
to this Incarnational approach
of divine benevolence.

If God is spinning with joy,
a quality of his Holy Spirit,
then he will play the clown
to set us laughing
and learn that joy is attractive.

If God is love,
he knocks himself silly
in showering us with love,
to gain a niggling notice
while aiming for a hug.

If God is our all,
then we must empty our arms
of trinkets and toys,
and empty our hearts of idle wishes
when he stands outside our door,
and that is why
that Jesus has come to us,
to share our clumsy efforts.

Bonaventure Stefun, OFM Cap.


See reflections from Ordinary Time here.
Also see reflections from the Lent-Easter series here.