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Did you tag along, Saint Francis?
How did you manage jet lag?
Your protégé seemed unaffected,
a penitent from Assisi,
surviving on air,
like you at Portiuncula.

He exuded Jesus when he talked,
and more when he reached out to people,
so at home with everyone,
with an eye for the sick,
and an ear for the poor,
so much like you,
the man being the message,
for anyone with open heart.

In the popemobile
he had easy view
and quick approach
for many unwary and surprised.
His Fiat could well be named
a constant advertisement,
'fiat,' let it be so.
Go with him, Francis,
this Jesuit who begs your help,
nudge him to become
saint Pope Francis.

Hospital, Sept. 23-27, 2015
Bonaventure Stefun, OFM Cap.

See more reflections here.
Alsso see reflections from the
Lent-Easter series here.
Advent-Christmas reflections are also online.