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Fourth Sunday of Lent 2015
The Man Born Blind (Cycle A)

With amazement we ascertain
a shepherd's moldy cloak
to a king's majestic robes;
attend the greater marvel
when the king provides
the prosperity of peace,
as citizens find transformation of lives
through learning and pursuit of wisdom,
transferring to their children
a higher, more gentle lifestyle.

An ultimate transformation
strips darkness and its shame
from memory,
and the fruitless works that lack nobility;
observing keepers of bees,
producers of fragrant candles,
a light transportable,
conveying the sun's bright blessing
to every nook and need.

When Jesus transformed
a blind man's inability to see,
creating the world for him,
or, more lovingly, allowing him new life,
restored as from a tomb,
to let him read the world
as chapters of lore and joyous surprise.

A thousand good works a minute
transform each village and town,
providing invitation and blueprint
to learn happiness
with the Master broadcasting deeds,
alert in identifying the glowing good
in people of stumbling steps,
rejoicing in beauty and light
until transformation itself becomes transformed
to resurrection.

March 2015
Bonaventure Stefun, OFM Cap.

See more reflections here.

Advent-Christmas cycle Inspirations
are still available.