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Alum GolfOutingAlum GolfOutingOur Capuchin Classic Golf Outing was held on Friday, August 2, 2024, at Birdsfoot Golf Club in Freeport, PA. Since its beginning in 1994, the Outing has been a great supporter of our Capuchin Development Center while also nurturing relationships that have endured throughout the decades.

Although the Outing has been around for 30 years, this is the 10th year that the proceeds from the event have benefitted the Fr. Bill Wiethorn Scholarship Fund which helps to support the education and formation of our friars at the various levels of their lives as Capuchins: our Postulants in Philadelphia, PA; our Novices in Santa Ynez, CA; and our friar students in Washington, DC.

In these last 10 years, because of the hard work of David Schaffner (left, SFS ’81), Gina Pizzonia, Andria DeVit, our office staffs, and the invaluable contributions of volunteers, participants and supporters, we’ve managed to raise $250,000! As Dave says: "None of which could’ve been raised without all of the people that have shown up and donated to the cause.”

GolfPageDave also reflected on his continued experience of being with the men and women who are a part of the Outing: "Every year I'm amazed at how many people come up to me who have no real affiliation with SFS or the Caps and tell me what a great day it was and how much they enjoyed it. I got it that they get a day off of work and all of that, but I swear there is just a "spirit" at the Golf Outing that can't be explained. People in my brother's foursome mentioned it., and other people have mentioned it. Maybe it can only be explained by the Capuchin spirit and St. Fidelis -- and maybe some Bill Weithorn 'from above.' "

Although it was a lighter than usual turnout this – and it did rain most of the morning! – spirits were good, and everyone who was able to make it had a great time playing and spending time with each other.

Our Provincial Minister, Bob Marva, OFM Cap. (right, who had planned to go to St. Fidelis as a freshman in 1980 if we hadn’t “closed the doors” on him!) served as the emcee, and the proud teams that came out on top were:

– The foursome team of Dave Repko, Greg Fischer, Greg Pekich and Rich Redlinger won the Alumni Trophy at 10 under par.

– The Ray Clarke Foursome were winners at 15 under par. Although that sounds like they were even bigger winners, Dave reminded us that "you need at least 3 alumni in your foursome and the 4th person has to be a spouse or child to qualify as an Alumni Foursome" --- 'Always good to know!!

Check out all the photos here . . .

See all the photos of our Alumni Picnic

And on Saturday, August 3, 2024, around 60 Alumni and family members attended the annual St. Fidelis Seminary Alumni Picnic at the Roosevelt Shelter of North Park in McCandless Township, PA. The Alumni gathering was initiated a few years ago at a request from some who wanted to gather and refresh memories from those precious high school days -- without the need to show how bad they are at golf.

This year’s “Golden Jubilarians” were the Class of '74 who celebrated their 50th year in style. They “certainly set the bar for the class reunions,” as one alumnus put it, having gathered the night before for a catered dinner and chance to reminisce and catch up. The class includes our Capuchin brother Mick Joyce and Jim Chepponis, a priest of the Pittsburgh Diocese.

Ed Kascuta & Mike Conlin were the coordinators for the class gathering and Ed noted on Facebook: “The SFS Class of ‘74 had our 50 Year Reunion [on Friday]. Attendees were: Fr. Jim Chepponis, Mike & Cindy Chiou-Conlin, John Freeman, Chuck & Michele Jordan, Fr. Mick Joyce, Ed & Bonnie Kacsuta, Mark & Valerie Kline, William Krol, Patrick & Patti Lesnoski, John & Dawn Sanders, Bob & Karen Slater, George Taylor, Nelson & Jaque Thomas, and Ralph & Donna Verdu.

Ed and Mike oversaw the work for a lovely video highlighting their classmates while also remembering those who have passed to the Lord in these 50 years . . . .

On Facebook, we also learned that the Class of ’73 gathered the night before the picnic. We understand that the “entertainment was provided by Micky Dolenz (Monkees fame),” to which alumnus Tim Murphy responded: “I’m a believer.

Check out the photos of the 2024 Alumni Reunion here . . .