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CFP Graduate2CFP candidates Sam Hadjis and Ryan Schmeltzer(left) bid their own farewells to Borromeo Seminary as they graduated from John Carroll University whose commencement took place on May 19th. Borromeo's celebration, which took place on May 9th, featured former Borromeo Academic Dean, Marty Amos, who served as auxiliary bishop to the diocese before being appointed as bishop to the Diocese of Davenport, Iowa, from 2006-2017. Now retired, CFP GraduateAmosBishop Marty resides back home in Cleveland and continues to serve the Church there. The former dean spoke to the grads: “Academic credentials? Who cares about them? What’s important is what you do with them.” Sam and Ryan know what they're doing with them: they began their postulancy year at Padre Pio friary in Philadelphia shortly after graduation in June.

Sam and Ryan flank our Provincial Minister, Tom Betz, OFM Cap., in the photo below. Three friars important in their college formation before becoming postulants are in the picture as well. Our brothers Lester Knoll, OFM Cap. (left), Mick Joyce, OFM Cap., and Brian Stacy, OFM Cap. (far right) have served as their teachers and guides throughout their years of the men at Borromeo.

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If you're beginning to make your decisions about college and are thinking about joining us as Capuchin Francican friars, why not go to College while living and praying with other men who are considering the same call?

Check into
the Capuchin Formation Program
& John Carroll University.